Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Day 7 Crescent City to Fortuna

Now that we're in semi-Rush mode, I'm having to live with the disappointment of missing out on some of the things I've been looking forward to, such as the beaches and some birding spots at Crescent City, the elk, and a visit with Annie in Arcata. Originally we were going to spend 2 or 3 nights in an RV place near Orick, where the elk are abundant and there are several lagoons, redwoods, and untold delights. However, we gave up that stop when we decided to go with the five-hour-two-hour day. So when we left Crescent City we were headed to Benbow, CA, a little further down the road.

The stretch of 101 between Crescent City and Klamath is a little hairy, winding through redwood forests and up and down grades at the edge of high drop-offs with rocky ocean below. They're always working on this stretch of road it seems, and it's the only part of the whole trip I've been a little nervous about, what with all the weather. This day many signs saying "Sunken Road", many crews  out in force, shoring up road that had fallen or was about to fall into nothingness. A white knuckler for sure. But the fact that the crews were there gave some assurance. Someone knows about this. Someone is taking care of it. We hope.

Lots of "Sunken Road" signs and lots of crews.

But past Klamath the road is wide and friendly, even though the sunshine we started out with had disappeared, and we were into misty rain.

Del Norte Coast

 We started seeing lots of signs about elk and just before Orick, we stopped at Elk Meadows, where we have often seen elk grazing. Today, alas, there were none, but we stopped anyway and had some lunch and went on a little walk around and about. Saw many robins and many northern flickers and beautiful mossy trees and a pond -- perfect for elk, but still no sign of the furry ones.

Trilliam Falls creek,  Elk Meadows

The photographer

Redwood hiding in the woods at Elk Meadow

H tries to convince us that following a wet, narrow, rock trail up the hill is a good idea.

So back onto the 101 and then just around the next bend -- elk!!! In the trees. Lounging about. Nibbling. Chatting and laughing amongst themselves. Hahaha, silly tourists. We were over here the whole time! See ya! Wouldn't want to be ya!

This is a great area and on the original itinerary we were going to spend several days here, exploring trails through the redwoods, birding at the lagoons, being one with the elk. However.

On down the road, catching glimpses of buffleheads and others on a lagoon, surf pounding on the other side, more elk, and then -- adding insult to injury -- even more at the Elk Country RV Park, where we were once, sigh, slated to stop.

The elk at Elk Country RV Park -- from the bus as we drive by.

But after spending all that time waiting for elk to show up at Elk Meadows, we decided that our  Benbow destination was unreasonable, and so decided to stop at Fortuna after all. Even though Arcata is only a half hour away, it was late when we got in, and so still didn't get to visit with Annie. "Next time."

And now it's the next morning and we're trying desperately for that elusive "early start". On to Ukiah!

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