Wednesday, March 16, 2016

San Francisco!

RV park Wifi! Bah! Humbug! Wrote a whole blog entry yesterday that wouldn't upload and despite saving, didn't save. Drat!

Anyway, here we are in San Francisco. Stole up here from Moss Landing on Saturday morning, in an attempt to dodge in incoming weather front, which we managed to do. We arrived here at the Marin RV Park in Greenbrae (just north of Sausalito), got set up, and then it started to pour, with wild winds, for a day and a half! We've stayed at this park before so there are no surprises, but it's just a big gravel parking lot tucked into an industrial area with a lovely view of San Quentin and a horrible bathroom.  But the good part is that it's very close to the Larkspur Ferry which is a half-hour ride to downtown SF and also close to a Trader Joe's. So it's not so bad. Except for the price. $100 per night! But there just aren't many choices here and they're all about the same price and all of them are parking lots. But we're here.

It's a bit overwhelming, being in a big city with so many neat things to do and see. So many choices, so little time. We've all been here before, except for H, but for me, many years ago, so reintroductions are necessary. We did the 49-Mile Scenic Drive on Monday, but made so many stops we only got half way, as far as Golden Gate Park, which was wonderful. A and H went into the city yesterday to ride the cable cars, visit Fisherman's Wharf, and see some of those sights, while R and I did some business chores and then went birding at a small  wildlife preserve just down the road. That was a very pleasant surprise as we found several species of birds there, including several American Avocet in breeding plumage, which is something I've been wanting to see for a while. Also there was a great egret, several snowy egrets, curlew, ruddy ducks, and a few others. Very cool.

I've given up on taking photos with anything but my iPhone, and it works quite well for most things, but not birds. R took a bunch of pictures, but he's a bit slow to download, so I'll post them when he gets to it. (I'll post my iPhone photos when we get some better bandwidth.)

Off now to the Academy of Sciences -- promises to be a full day!

As noted above, the wifi here is unreliable, so if nothing appears here for a while after this, that's why.

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