Sunday, March 27, 2016

A day in Mendocino

We took a day trip from Willits to Mendocino, over a windy but lovely road through redwood forests where even stopped for a geocache or two -- with minimal success, I might say, but it's always interesting -- gives you a view of something up close and personal. This is where a tick found H, so we were a little wary of getting too close and personal with the trees. 

A fell in love with Mendocino -- surprise! surprise! -- which hasn't really changed since the last time we were here, or the time before that, or the time before that, going way back to the sixties. . .  No big box stores, all one-offs, with lots of B&Bs, vacation homes, galleries, posters about theatre, concerts, and poetry readings, and lovely looks at just about everything. Seems like it would be a nice place to live.
Bulletin boards promote all kinds of performances. It's a small town, but has its own theatre company. Hmm, sound familiar?

Lots of these signs. Says something about the community . . .

Old hotel on the main street along the water. Just a cool place.
Lots of neat old buildings and great skies

And lots of wild calla lillies (everywhere in California, it seems)

And lots of water towers made into galleries and yoga rooms
Crow on fence. (This and those that follow are A's photos.)

Driftwood art

Exploring Mendocino headlands

H takes a rest

Mendocino Headlands

Wild mustard on the headlands

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